
First, Band Banquet tickets can be ordered until Friday April 26th. Prices are: $20 12 and up, $10 ages 5-11, and 4 and under are FREE. STUDENTS CURRENTLY ENROLLED IN BAND DO NOT NEED A TICKET. Forms can be pick up in the Band Room or contact MR. Y for details. We hope you will come celebrate the success of the Band this year and our students receiving awards on Tuesday, May 7th at the DAES Cafeteria @ 6 pm.

Lastly, would you like your band student to receive a quality musical experience this summer? Why not send them to the UAM Summer Music Camp June 11th-15th. Letters detailing this opportunity are in the band room or contact Mr. Y. Cost is $295. The Band is asking that students pay $150 when they apply online and the Band will pay the rest ($145). Mr. Y will be working the camp as well. Students will have an AWESOME time learning from directors from Louisiana, Texas, Mississippi, Oklahoma, and Arkansas. They also could meet life-long friends. Mr. Y needs to know by May 17th if your student plans to attend camp.

Thanks for all the continued support this year.