Welcome Back

Des Arc Schools would like to welcome back our students and parents for the 2023-2024 school year.  The staff at DAPS have been working long hours to get things ready to go Monday morning.  Here are a few "Words of Wisdom" for the first week of school:

1. Get your child registered. You can pick up packets at the schools anytime and it will help make the first day run smoother for them.

2. Fill out your lunch form.  Big news! This year if your child qualifies for reduced meals, you will not have to pay for them at all.  Filling out your form also helps the school receive money that helps fund many of our programs.  Lastly, we will be giving away prizes again this year based on a lunch form raffle.  

3. In the last 50 years of education, there has not been a first day or week of school that the buses and car line have not been chaotic.  This is always a bigger issue at elementary schools.  Please be patient while they get it all worked out and running smoothly.  Elementary will have a full-time SRO who will be out there during this time helping with the traffic.  

4. Attendance is our focus this year.  Des Arc students missed a total of 7,702 days last year with an enrollment of 598 students. With your support, we feel that we can do better.

5. Finally, we encourage for you and your children to enjoy the moment.  They will be here and graduated before you know it.  

We hope you have a great year with Des Arc Schools!